MyEllevate gives you the ability to enjoy an attractively contoured neck- and jawline, so you can show off an attractively contoured appearance.
What is MyEllevate?
MyEllevate is a non-surgical and minimally invasive neck lifting and tightening procedure with highly promising and immediately visible results. MyEllevate makes it possible to conceal and correct age-induced neck laxity, jowls, and submental fullness for up to five years. The procedure was developed by a renowned Beverly Hills plastic surgeon and uses a special suture inserted subdermally to lift and tighten sagging skin.
You’ll experience a finely sculpted and well-chiseled jawline and the disappearance of years off the face and neck for a restored youthfulness and vibrancy that has traditionally only been possible with a surgical neck lift. Results are seen immediately. MyEllevate in Phoenix can be combined with laser and other skin surface treatments to remove other signs of aging in the neck.