What is ProFractional?

ProFractional is a laser treatment that achieves dramatic resurfacing results with minimal downtime. It’s a highly-effective way to refresh your facial appearance. The treatment resurfaces select portions of the target area, while leaving the surrounding tissue intact. This results in skin that heals within days – rather than the weeks-long recovery period that can be associated with alternative laser procedures.

The benefits

  • Smooth wrinkles and lines
  • Improve the appearance of scars
  • Tighten lax and aging tissue
  • Correct sun-damaged skin
  • Customizable aesthetic results
  • Less downtime (when compared to other laser procedures)

How does the technology work?

ProFractional is unique in that it ablates narrow channels into the skin, rather than removing the entire surface of the treatment area. The ablation process stimulates the body’s natural healing response – producing fresh collagen to plump the skin, smooth out imperfections and improve your complexion from the inside out. Because the treated channels are surrounded by intact tissue, the procedure is associated with a rapid recovery period when compared to alternative lasers. In addition, the technology is highly customizable, allowing for results that are either subtle or dramatic, depending on your needs.

What to expect during the procedure

Your ProFractional treatment will be done in the comfort of our Scottsdale medical spa. The procedure will take about 30 to 45 minutes to complete, depending on the size of the treatment area.

To begin, we will cleanse your skin and provide you with safety goggles to protect your eyes. From there, we will administer a numbing cream or local anesthetic to ensure your comfort during the experience.

Once the procedure is complete, you will be free to return home to complete the healing process. Most of our clients need to take at least three days off from work. During this time, you will look and feel like you have a bad sunburn and you will experience pinpoint bleeding in the area for approximately two days. These side effects will begin to diminish a couple of days after your appointment and within one week your skin should be back to normal.

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ProFractional + MicroLaserPeel (MLP)

We often recommend ProFractional therapy along with our powerful MicroLaserPeel (MLP). This comprehensive peel is designed to minimize fine lines and wrinkles and restore a youthful complexion. It produces immediate, long-lasting results that beautifully complement your ProFractional procedure. If you have MLP added onto your ProFractional treatment, your appointment time will increase by between ten and thirty minutes, depending on the size of the target area. The peel will be performed first and we will administer an anesthetic to ensure your comfort.

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The results

Your skin will need about three to seven days to heal. At that point, any redness will have dissipated and you should notice a fresh and youthful glow. Your surface imperfections will continue to improve over the next six months, as your body completes the process of producing fresh collagen. It is possible to achieve your ideal outcome with just one ProFractional treatment. However, most of our patients require a series of sessions.

We can help you create a customized treatment plan based on your aesthetic goals and skin condition during your appointment.

If you are considering ProFractional therapy to combat aging skin and sun damage, we invite you to schedule an appointment at our luxurious Skin Klinic in Phoenix. Please use our contact form to get in touch. Please our contact form to get in touch.

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