Patient is a 26 year-old female with a long standing desire to improve the cosmetic appearance of her nose. She does not like her nasal profile with an obvious bump that she feels makes her look quite masculine, along with an over-projecting nasal tip that makes her nose dominate her facial features. She is very self-conscious of her rather amorphous tip, and yearns for a nose that appears feminine and better complements her facial features.
Procedure: Septorhinoplasty with softening of nasal dorsal hump and de-projection of nasal tip bringing entire nasal complex closer to her face. The nasal bones were narrowed to impart beautiful dorsal aesthetic lines, and nasal tip cartilages were contoured through suture techniques. Internal cartilage grafts were placed to provide long-term support to ensure stability of the rhinoplasty. Photos are 6 weeks post-surgery and there still exists significant swelling, hence further definition can be expected. She is very excited and loves her result, revealing that finally she feels beautiful.