Patient is a 39-year-old female with a long-standing desire for a more attractive nose. She wanted a shorter and less projecting nose that appeared softer and more feminine. She thought her nose appeared much like her father’s, specifically her protruding nasal tip with pronounced nostrils. She had avoided addressing her nose for years as she read and heard about unhappy patients with unnatural results, but after extensive research she presents eagerly for a rhinoplasty.
Septo/rhinoplasty with reduction of nasal dorsum and lowering of overly projecting nasal tip. A fascial graft was placed at her radix (the top of the nose) to fill the deep crevice where her profile starts softening her profile and feminizing her result. Nasal bones were mobilized and narrowed while her nasal tip cartilages were reduced with suture techniques and her tip rotated and shortened to complement her result. Photographs were taken approximately 4 months post-surgery, and further definition and reduction in the size of the nose can be anticipated. She loves her result.