Patient is a 32-year-old female with a long standing desire to correct a severely deviated nose. For as long as she can remember, she has been self conscious of her crooked nose, and hated her nasal profile and weak chin. She has always dreamed of feeling more attractive, and would like to breathe better. She would have addressed these issues at an earlier age, but was always afraid of the rhinoplasty results she has seen, as she felt that they looked very odd and surgical in appearance.
Rhinoplasty with septoplasty to correct the nasal deviation, reduction of nasal dorsal hump, straightening and narrowing of nasal bones, contouring of the nasal tip cartilages with placement of a cartilage tip graft to increase nasal projection, placement of a medium chin implant and liposuction of the submental and neck for a total of 40cc, and autogenous fat transfer to the upper and lower lips for a total of 8cc. The patient was ecstatic with the results with a renewed sense of confidence about her appearance.