Patient is a 16-year-old female who has long desired a more delicate and feminine nose. She has been self-conscious about her profile as long as she can remember, and avoids having her picture taken as she dislikes her large hump and down-turned nasal tip when she smiles. She feels that her nose appears crooked and dominates her facial features.
Procedure: Septorhinoplasty with straightening of nasal bones and septum, and reduction of her large dorsal hump. The nasal tip was modified through cartilage reduction and suture techniques, and internal cartilage grafts were placed to maintain tip projection and airway competence. Photos are 6 months post-surgery and there is still considerable swelling that will diminish, decreasing the size of the nose and increasing tip definition. She was absolutely delighted with her surgical result, with a significant increase in self-confidence, and positive perception of her overall appearance.