Patient is a 32 year-old-female with a long-standing desire to have a more refined and attractive nose that better complements her facial features. Specifically, she does not like the dorsal hump present on her profile along with the crooked nasal bones and tip. She feels that her nose appears to start too high along her forehead, making her profile seem too long and hooked. She would a more feminine nose that appears natural and beautiful.
Procedure: Septorhinoplasty with reduction of radix (the top of the profile) and dorsal hump with modification of nasal tip cartilages through suture and cartilage reduction techniques. Her dorsal aesthetic lines were reconstructed by straightening her deviated nasal septum imparting beautiful lines that aesthetically contour her nose, ending in a delicate nasal tip that appears refined and symmetric. She was completely enthralled with her new nose, and feels that it appears beautiful and natural, as she wishes she had been born with. Photos were taken 6 weeks after surgery.