Patient is a 60-year-old female who had always considered herself attractive but in the last decade she had noticed progressive changes in her face that made her appear much older than she felt. Throughout her life she had enjoyed compliments on her beautiful eyes and full lips, but now she felt that her pronounced wrinkles and her down-turned mouth took away from those features and that she had lost the beautiful oval shape of her face, her graceful neck and jawline over time. She wanted to look younger and more attractive while maintaining a natural appearance.
Deep Plane Facelift, endoscopic browlift, upper and lower blepharoplasty, autogenous fat transfer to the face for a total of 23cc including forehead, eyes, nasolabial folds, jawline and lips. Patient also underwent an upper lip lift and erbium laser resurfacing of the eyes, nose, glabellar and perioral regions. Post-operative photos were taken approximately 3.5 months after surgery and she was delighted with the results.
Patient: 10669990
Patient is a 62-year-old female who has become increasingly saddened by her aged appearance and was tired of everyone asking whether she is angry or tired. Specifically she would like to improve the hooding of her eyes without changing their shape, and would like to address her downturned mouth and jowls, while also improving jawline and neck. She is terrified about looking different or appearing like she has had surgery.
Deep Plane Facelift, endoscopic browlift, upper and lower blepharoplasty, fat transfer to the face for a total of 33cc addressing the lower eyes, cheekbones, nasolabial folds, jawline, and chin. She is absolutely delighted with her surgical result, and how transforming the experience was with regards to her spirit and mood.
Patient: 10669953
Patient is a 73-year-old female who thought she looked much older than she felt. She thought that her neck had become quite matronly, and did not like the loss of the youthful definition of her cheekbones, her puffy eyes and the deep wrinkles between her eyebrows, and her downturned mouth that imparted a sour tone to her face. She wanted to appear younger, more youthful and more attractive.
Deep Plane Facelift, upper and lower blepharoplasty with removal of corregator muscles through the upper eyelid incision, full face erbium laser resurfacing, and autogenous fat transfer to the face for a total of 30cc including the lower eyes, midface, cheekbones, nasolabial folds, upper and lower lips, and corners of the mouth. She was delighted with the result and feels both younger and more beautiful.
Patient: 10669922
Patient is a 68-year-old female who since undergoing menopause has noticed progressive loss of the definition of her neck and jawline, and increased jowls and a downturned and angry appearing mouth. She would like to regain the confidence regarding her face she had when she was younger, while avoiding tell-tale signs of surgery she sees so often. Having just sold her business, she wants to reward herself with something she is doing just for herself.
Deep Plane Facelift, endoscopic browlift, upper and lower blepharoplasty with suture canthopexy, partial removal of submandibular glands to help define the jawline, autogenous fat transfer to the face including lower eyes, cheekbones, nasolabial crease, upper and lower lips, chin and jawline, and full face erbium laser resurfacing.
Patient: 10669974
Patient is a 72-year-old female who had undergone previous facial rejuvenation in the distant past. She had begun to feel that her “face had fallen” and desired better definition of her cheekbones and jawline, and wanted to regain the long elegant neck that she had when she was younger.
Deep Plane Facelift with lateral SMASectomy, medial and lateral platysmaplasty and Erbium laser resurfacing of periorbital and perioral areas.
Patient: 10670085
Patient is a 59-year-old female with a desire to appear younger and more attractive. She felt that she appeared matronly, and had lost the sparkle she once had in her eyes. She desired better definition of her facial features, most notably her cheekbones and neck with better proportions to her face. She wanted to look more vibrant, approachable, and sexy. She also had forever disliked her thick and bulbous nose, and desired a more elegant profile that appeared more feminine.
Deep Plane Facelift, endoscopic browlift, bilateral upper blepharoplasty, with autogenous fat transfer to the face for a total of 16cc, including the lower eyes, nasolabial fold, jawline, chin, and lips. She also underwent a Rhinoplasty with Septoplasty and reduction of the nasal dorsum, reduction and suture contouring of the nasal tip, and fascial graft to the radix to soften the transition of the forehead to nose. She was ecstatic with her surgical result, and feels beautiful.
Patient: 10670064
Patient is a 53-year-old female who had always considered herself attractive but in recent years had lost definition of her cheekbones and jawline, along with developing jowls which she hated. She felt that her brow sagged, and her eyes made her look constantly tired despite Botox and soft-tissue fillers. She wanted to regain a more youthful shape to her face, with defined cheekbones and jawline and beautiful eyes like she had when she was younger.
Deep Plane Facelift, endoscopic browlift, upper and lower blepharoplasty, fat transfer to the face for a total of 24 cc, and full face erbium laser resurfacing. Fat was injected to the lower eyes, nasolabial crease, cheekbones, jawline, upper and lower lips.
Patient: 10678704
Patient is a 66-year-old female who in the last ten years had noticed progressive loss of her defining facial features most notably her bone structure and beautiful almond-shaped eyes. She had lost weight in the recent past, and this combined with menopause had left her skin blotchy, loose and with poor elasticity. She wanted to appear younger and more attractive with better definition of her once high cheekbones and strong jawline.
Deep Plane Facelift, endoscopic browlift, upper and lower bepharoplasty with canthopexy, fat transfer to the face including perioribital, cheekbones, jawline and lips for a total of 33cc and full face erbium laser resurfacing. She also underwent an upper lip-lift. Photographs are one year post op.
Patient: 10669960
Patient is a 52-year-old female who has noticed significant facial aging during the last 5 years, especially after menopause. She is a long term “sun-worshiper” and a previous smoker who dislikes her jowls and neck laxity along with her heavy brow and eyes. She is an exercise fanatic and her lack of body fat makes her face appear especially gaunt. Her skin quality has drastically changed for the worse, and as her skin elasticity has diminished she needs to wear more makeup. She wants to appear younger and more attractive and recapture the “spark” her face used to have, and identified with.
Deep Plane Facelift, endoscopic browlift, upper and lower blepharoplasty with canthopexy, autogenous fat transfer to the face including lower eyes, nasolabial folds, cheekbones, jawline and chin, upper and lower lips, and full face erbium laser resurfacing.
Patient: 10974303
Patient is a 52-year-old female who has a career as an actress and model and has noticed progressive loss of definition of her once prominent bone structure. She feels that her brow has begun to sag, and her eyes lack the definition they once had. She would like better definition of her cheekbones and jawline, and would like to reclaim the graceful neck she had when she was younger.
Deep Plane Facelift, endoscopic browlift, upper and lower blepharoplasty, and autogenous fat transfer to periorbital, naslolabial folds, cheekbones, jawline, and upper and lower lips.
Patient: 17331359
Patient is a 63-year-old female who underwent a previous “LifeStyle-Lift” which resulted in scarring and disappointing results. She wanted to appear less “frumpy” and felt that she had no facial contour, and lacked definition of her cheekbones and jawline. She had never had a graceful neck and yearned for this. She wanted to appear younger and more attractive.
Deep Plane Facelift, endoscopic browlift, upper and lower blepharoplasty with suture canthopexy, bilateral buccal fat pad removal, and fat transfer to the face for a total of 34 cc including the lower eyes, midface, nasolabial folds, cheekbones, chin, upper and lower lips. Patient also underwent erbium laser resurfacing of the lower eyes and perioral regions.
Patient: 10670100
63-year-old female who desires to look younger and more attractive. She feels that she constantly looks tired, and that she has aged significantly especially around her mouth and neck. She still has a thriving professional career, and wants to project the vitality and confidence that she feels internally.
Deep Plane Facelift, endoscopic browlift, upper and lower blepharoplasty with canthopexy, fat transfer to face including lower eyelids, cheeks, jawline, and lips.
Patient: 17331367
Patient is a 62-year-old female who underwent a previous “lifestyle-lift” and was unhappy with her results mostly complaining of poor scars, and a tight and unnatural appearance. She wanted to address her down-turned mouth, her jowls, and her very matronly appearing neck that made her feel like she looked like her mother. She wanted to regain a more youthful facial shape that would accentuate her cheekbones and jawline.
Deep Plane Facelift, upper and lower blepharoplasty with removal of the corregator muscles (which cause the deep wrinkles between the eyebrows), removal of buccal fat pads (to improve cheek contour), and partial removal of superficial lobe of the submandibular glands (to improve jawline definition). She also underwent fat transfer to the face for a total of 35cc, including the lower eyes, nasolabial folds, upper and lower lips, and jawline and chin. She was extremely happy with her surgical results.
Patient: 10670015
65 year-old-female who feels that she looks much older than her stated age. She has long standing brow asymmetry, and does not like the wrinkles of her forehead, her significant facial drooping and neck laxity, and the wrinkles around her mouth. She desires to look younger and more attractive.
Deep Plane Facelift, endoscopic browlift, upper and lower blepharoplasty with canthopexy, perioral dermabrasion, and fat injections to the lower eyelids, nasolabial folds, cheekbones, jawline, cheeks, and upper and lower lips.
Patient: 17339236
Patient is a 63-year-old female who feels that she has not aged well after her first facelift. Specifically she does not like the mismatch of her neck and upper face as they have not been matched since her original surgery. The tight pull of her face was harsh necessitating progressively more soft tissue fillers to soften her look. She would like to look softer and more attractive without looking “done”.
Deep Plane Facelift, with partial removal of superficial submandibular gland to improve neck contour, endoscopic browlift, bilateral lower blepharoplasty, and fat transfer to the face for a total of 35cc including lower eyes, cheekbones, jawline, upper and lower lips. Patient also underwent full face erbium laser to improve fine wrinkles and skin tone. Notice the drastic improvement of her jawline, and the coordinated result of her facelift blending her neck, jawline, and upper face.
Patient: 10669976