55-year-old female who desired to look younger. She felt that she had always been attractive but recently, especially post-menopause, had seen significant changes in her facial features. She wanted cheekbone and neck definition again and wished to look less tired.
High SMAS Facelift, endoscopic brow lift, upper and lower blepharoplasty, lip augmentation with alloderm® grafts, perioral dermabrasion.
Patient: 17331368
53-year-old female who modeled when she was younger. She did not like the loss of definition of her cheekbones, the formation of jowls and neck laxity, and the loss of volume of her lips. She desired to look as she had previously.
High SMAS Facelift, endoscopic brow lift, upper and lower blepharoplasty, fat injection to the upper and lower lips.
Patient: 17331377
63-year-old female who feels that she appears very matronly, and is constantly asked if she is either tired or angry. She has developed the same jowls and loss of neck definition that her mother did, and wants to address these areas along with the heavy brow and bags around her eyes. She desires to appear both younger and more more attractive.
High SMAS Facelift, endoscopic browlift, upper and lower blepharoplasty with canthopexy, fat transfer to the lower eyes, nasolabial folds, upper and lower lips, jawline and chin. The SMAS technique combined with fat transfer has imparted a soft and natural appearance to her facial rejuvenation.
Patient: 17332936
65-year-old female who feels that she appears matronly and wants to address her full neck and sad looking eyes. With age, her lips have vanished and she would like more lip volume with more youthful and attractive features.
High SMAS Facelift, lateral temporal browlift, upper and lower blepharoplasty with suture canthopexy, liposuction of the neck, upper and lower lip augmentation with permalip implants and upper lip lift, fat transfer to the face (lower eyelids, nasolabial folds, and chin), and perioral dermabrasion.
Patient: 17332938
58-year-old female who has always wanted to approach her weak chin and feels that her neck is beginning to look like her mother’s. She has always been complemented on her pretty facial features, but has noticed that the complements are few and far between. She would like to look younger and more attractive.
High SMAS Facelift, upper and lower blepharoplasty and chin augmentation.
Patient: 17334503
Patient is a self-described sun-worshiper who felt that in the last ten years, especially since going through menopause, she had aged considerably and did not consider herself to be as attractive as she once was. Specifically, she wanted to approach her old-appearing mouth and weak chin, and yearned for a better defined and graceful jawline. She felt that her eyes had always been her best feature, but hardly anyone noticed anymore due to her sagging brow and wrinkled skin. She wanted to appear younger and prettier.
Procedure: High SMAS Facelift, Endoscopic browlift, bilateral lower blepharoplasty, chin augmentation with placement of medium extended anatomic implant, autogenous fat transfer to the face for a total of 24cc including lower eyes, nasolabial folds, cheekbones, jawline, and upper and lower lips. The patient also underwent full face erbium laser resurfacing
Patient: 10670028
53-year-old female who has always felt attractive, but has noticed the progressive loss of her high cheekbones and defined jawline. She would like her neck profile to appear more graceful, and would like to look as young as she feels.
High SMAS Facelift, lateral temporal brow lift, upper and lower blepharoplasty with suture canthopexy.
Patient: 17334506
53-year-old female who feels that since going through menopause her face appears matronly, with loss of definition of her jawline and neck, and very fatigued appearing eyes. She misses the complements she used to receive about her blue eyes. She feels that people take her for being angry when she is not, and would like to look younger, softer, and more attractive.
High SMAS Facelift, endoscopic brow lift, upper and lower blepharoplasty.
Patient: 17336065
54-year-old female who feels that over the last few years she has lost the defining features of her face, especially her beautiful eyes that used to be the source of many compliments. She would like a more defined jawline and neck, and has always wished that she had more prominent cheekbones. She would like to appear less tired, younger, and more attractive.
High SMAS Facelift, endoscopic brow lift, upper and lower blephararoplasty, removal of buccal fat pads.
Patient: 17336070
41-year-old female who feels that she has lost the definition of her cheekbones and jawline that she had when she was younger. She has used soft tissue fillers to minimize her deep nasolabial folds, and would like a more permanent solution. She had a chin implant placed years ago, and desires a stronger profile and more elegant neck.
High SMAS Facelift, upper and lower blepharoplasty, exchange of chin implant for a more contemporary extended shape, and fat injections to the nasolabial folds, lips, and mandibular border for a total of 15cc.
Patient: 17336074
52-year-old female who has been a long-term smoker with significant sun-exposure, and feels that she has lost some of the beautiful facial features that she enjoyed when she was younger. She desires to regain her defined jawline and cheekbones, and wants to appear less tired and more attractive.
High SMAS Facelift, endoscopic browlift, upper and lower blepharoplasty.
Patient: 17337635
48-year-old female who enjoys her career in business, but is under much stress and would like to appear softer and more attractive. She feels that she has lost her defined jawline, and is bothered by the loose tissue along her cheeks. Her nose has always bothered her, and would like it to appear more proportioned with her face.
High SMAS Facelift, endoscopic brow lift, upper and lower blepharoplasty, rhinoplasty.
Patient: 17337638
55 year-old-female who has noticed gradual facial aging that has been become more pronounced with recent weight loss. She desires the more voluptuous youthful features she had when she was younger, along with a stronger and cleaner neck and jawline
High SMAS Facelift, endoscopic browlift, bilateral lower blepharoplasty, perioral dermabrasion and fat transfer to the face including cheeks, upper and lower eyes, jawline and lips.
Patient: 17337639
69-year-old female who feels that she is taken for a much older woman, and would like to get back the attractive features she had when she was younger. She stated people would always tell her she had beautiful eyes, but no one complements her anymore.
High SMAS Facelift, endoscopic brow lift, upper and lower blepharoplasty, perioral dermabrasion.
Patient: 17337644