Patient is a 45-year-old female who had recently underwent minimally invasive surgery of the face and jawline with another surgeon, and still did not feel attractive. She wondered what I could do to make her feel beautiful. She had concerns about her “pudgy nose” that lacked angularity and definition, and the feeling that her upper eyes appeared heavy making her look too serious and tired. It was explained that her brow had in fact descended, and that she would benefit from a browlift to complement her nasal surgery.
Procedure: Septorhinoplasty with placement of a superior fascial graft to the top of the nose to soften the deep radix (the takeoff between the forehead and nose), along with softening and narrowing the nasal bones, and contouring of the nasal tip cartilages through reduction and suture techniques. Cartilage grafts were placed to increase nasal tip projection and produce angularity, and nostrils were proportionately reduced. She also underwent simultaneous Endoscopic Browlift and fat transfer to the lower eyes, midface, nasolabial creases and upper and lower lips. After these procedures the patient felt beautiful with increased self-esteem, and vigor for life, going on to lose the 20 pounds she could not lose in the past.