Patient is a 26 year-old-female who desired a more attractive and toned figure. She tried to work out and diet, but was unable to achieve her goals. She wanted a more hourglass shape with a smaller, tighter waist, and fuller hips with a very shapely rear. She is 5’7” and weighed 160lbs.
SAFE Liposuction of the abdomen, back, and flanks for a total of 2900cc with autogenous fat transfer to the hips, thighs, and buttocks for a total of 2160cc. 780cc were transferred to each buttock. She is delighted with her result.
Patient: 18242413
Patient is a 42-year-old female who is very athletic but could not get the body she desired with diet and exercise. Specifically, she wanted to regain the shapely contour she had when she was younger.
SAFE Liposuction of the abdomen, back, flanks, and arms for a total of 2700cc with a total of 1080 cc of fat transferred to buttocks. Note the significant skin tightening capabilities of the SAFE Liposuction technique, effectively causing “shrink-wrap” of the skin to tighten the skin envelope allowing more precise contouring.
Patient: 18242416
Patient is a 38 year-old-female who has resistant collections of fat of her abdomen, back, flanks, and thighs that she has been unable to get rid of with diet and exercise. Also, as she has aged, she has lost the voluptuousness of her rear that she enjoyed in her youth. She would like a more shapely figure, with a fuller buttocks region that looks proportioned and attractive both in and out of clothing.
SAFE liposuction of the abdomen, back, flanks, and thighs for a total of 2100cc with autogenous fat transfer to the buttocks for a total of 600cc. No further fat injections to the buttocks were required, and notice the significant skin tightening and contour improvement with the SAFE liposuction technique.
Patient: 18242421
45-year-old female who has lost her curves as she has aged and progressively gained weight. She desires a tighter and lower waist, and would like to have a perkier and tighter rear. She still wants to appear voluptuous but wants to not look so “middle-aged”.
Hi-Definition Liposuction of the abdomen for a total of 2100cc and fat transfer to the buttocks for a total of 1800cc.
Patient: 18242431
Patient is a 27-year-old female who after having a child had noticed that she could not regain the “tightness” of her body despite making honest attempts at dieting and working out. (She finds it hard to make the time with a 1 year old). She states she was quite curvy and voluptuous when she was younger and wanted to feel more attractive.
SAFE Liposuction of the abdomen, medial thighs, back and flanks for a total of 4100cc and fat transfer to the buttocks for a 1560cc or 780cc each buttock. Note the skin tightening ability of SAFE Liposuction, and the incredible youthful contour she obtained as a result of this beautiful technique.
Patient: 18242443
32-year-old female athletic trainer who would like to compete in shows. She has never been able get the kind of abdominal muscular definition she desires despite strict diet and exercise due to her abdominal fat deposits that she also sees in her sisters.
Liposuction of the abdomen with muscular etching.
Patient: 18242612
27-year-old female who desired more shapely flanks, abdomen and thighs. She has tried to diet and exercise, but is discouraged with the lack of progress due to what she describes as a family tendency towards her shape.
Liposuction of abdomen, flanks, lateral thighs and medial thighs. Aggressive liposuction was able to be preformed due to the patients young age and good skin elasticity.
Patient: 18242613
50-year-old female who has had two children and has had persistent difficulty in achieving a more shapely figure on her own. She desires a more attractive, proportioned lower body.
Hi-Definition Liposuction of the abdomen, medial and lateral thighs, flanks, buttocks, and pubic region in conjunction with a tummy tuck.
Patient: 18242778
42-year-old female who had fullness of her lower abdomen that could not be improved with dieting or exercise. She had noticed this bulging get progressively larger after her single childbirth. She would also like to address her flanks and thighs which have become increasingly difficult to reduce as she has gotten older.
Miniabdominoplasty with liposuction of the abdomen, flanks, and lateral thighs.
Patient: 18245863
27-year-old female who has always been athletic, but after a recent injury, has put on considerable weight due to inactivity. The extra pounds have gone disproportionately to her abdomen, flanks, and thighs like the rest of the girls in her family.
Hi-Definition Liposuction of the abdomen, flanks, medial and lateral thighs.
Patient: 18246177
Patient is a 45-year-old female who after two children, found it increasingly difficult to obtain the tight, defined abdomen she had before kids. She had a small pooch with overhanging skin at her C-Section scar that she would like to improve, as this shows through in clothes.
SAFE Liposuction of the abdomen for a total of 600cc with removal of excess abdominal skin. Note the skin tightening quality of the SAFE Liposuction technique that is apparent by the improved muscular definition and contour of the abdomen.
Patient: 18246502