Why Undergo a Facelift?

Modern patients have multiple options for cosmetic facial rejuvenation, with both non-surgical and surgical possibilities available to them. While laser skin tightening, microdermabrasion, and cosmetic injections can all be performed on those who exhibit signs of aging, facelift surgery will provide a long-term solution for very mature skin.

Reason #1 to Undergo a Facelift: Personal Happiness

If a person feels that creating aesthetic improvements inthe face will enhance his or her life, a facelift is a great option. Not only will a person appear younger following the surgery, but they will also appear more lively and refreshed. Dr. Shapiro often hears from patients that they wish for their outsides to match the way they feel inside – spirited, light-hearted, and youthful. Through a facelift surgery, this is possible.

Reason #2 to Undergo a Facelift: Remain Competitive in a Field

Certain lines of work, such as sales, the entertainment industry, or politics, are centered on the persona one exhibits. As people age, they may begin to feel less attractive, which is evident by their level of self-confidence. When a person looks good, they feel good. In addition, looks play a role in how people feel about another's ability to do a job. A well-dressed and attractive individual will be seen as fit for work, while one's abilities may be questioned if they are not put together. Additionally, aging individuals are not always seen as a wealth of knowledge and great assets to a company; often, they may be assumed to lack the skills for modern technology or have difficulty transitioning to the current state of a company. A facelift can help cast aside other's prejudices so aging employees can truly shine.

Reason #3 to Undergo a Facelift: Feel Equal to Your Spouse's Looks

It has been said that women, by the very nature of genetics, will appear 15 years older than men. Men have thicker skin and more dense underlying structures, which help many to age gracefully. Age differences in spouses, heterosexual couples who may be close in age but still notice disparities in their appearance, or one partner who may have smoked or tanned during their lifetime may cause pairs to look unequally matched. Facelift surgery can help improve one's self-esteem and their spouse's attraction to him or her.

Reason #4 to a Facelift: Physically Undo the Remaining Proof of Poor Choices

Past drug use, smoking, and unprotected sun exposure all take their toll on the skin. While the awareness of the dangers of each of the vices was not well-known decades ago, we now understand how they affect people on a short and long-term basis. A facelift can help patients to reclaim their identity if it has been marred by poor past choices.

Reason #5 to Undergo a Facelift: Facial Harmony

The face often ages faster than other areas of the body due to the type of skin that covers this area, as well as environmental factors, as the face is almost never covered. While a person may be physically fit with youthful features, the face may display lines and wrinkles as well as extra skin. The overall look is not in harmony when the face and body do not match. By undergoing a facelift surgery, patients can enjoy the efforts of a healthy lifestyle and a youthful-looking face.

Dr. Shapiro

Daniel Shapiro, MD, FACS is a well-respected plastic surgeon in the Scottsdale, Arizona area. The dual board-certified doctor received specialty training in both facial and body plastics, and has been changing lives through his talents for nearly 20 years. Schedule your appointment with Dr. Shapiro now by calling 480-451-1700.

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