Ultrasonic Liposuction

Ultrasonic liposuction is a highly advanced liposuction procedure that has continuously produced sculpted, athletic results with few complications—a critical advancement when compared with traditional liposuction.

In traditional liposuction procedures unwanted fat is suctioned out of the body by manual force. In the process, nerves, blood vessels, and important connective tissues in the skin are also disrupted, leaving the skin bruised and traumatized for variable periods of time. Ultrasonic liposuction, on the other hand, uses ultrasound energy to melt fat before it is removed. This step allows Dr. Shapiro to specifically target fat tissue while leaving other connective tissues intact.

As a result of this targeted ultrasonic approach, there is very little bruising or other damage done internally. The risk of complication is greatly decreased in an ultrasound-assisted procedure compared with traditional liposuction, given an experienced surgeon like Dr. Shapiro.

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