One Size Does Not Fit All: 5 Different Facelifts Available on the Market Today

As men and women age, its natural for skin to loosen and form wrinkles, making many feel and look older than they really are. Face Lifts are a well-known option for rejuvenating and shedding years off the face, but can be expensive, time-consuming, and intensive. With the advent of new technologies and scientific breakthroughs, there are a variety of Face Lifts that are safe, effective, and will give you the youthful glow you’ve been craving:

SMAS Face Lift

A SMAS face-lift is a type of face-lift that involves the repositioning of the deeper tissue layers of the face to produce a very natural appearing and long lasting result. The SMAS layer of the face is the layer of tissue that contains the facial muscles and the overlying facial fat and skin. These layers become lax with age, resulting in deep folds around the mouth and sagging facial fat that cause jowls and loss of jawline definition. A SMAS Face Lift elevates and fixates these layers to a more youthful position, providing definition to the cheekbones, better contour of the cheeks, and a crisper jawline. As the skin is not pulled with this type of face-lift, patients avoid the dreaded “wind-swept” look that screams of a face lift. Because there is not tension on the skin, a SMAS face-lift appears softer and more natural, and has a much longer lasting result.

Mid Face Lift

Facial aging hits the mid-portion of the face especially hard. As facial fat descends due to gravity and relaxed skin, hollows can develop beneath the eyes and cheekbones, causing the face to appear long, old, and even gaunt. A mid face lift corrects these signs of facial aging, but the common techniques that use incisions through the lower eyelids or mouth tend to result in more complications than obvious results. Thankfully, a mid face-lift is a highly effective procedure with very few complications, a fast recovery time, and positively amazing results.

Short Scar Face Lift

A short scar face-lift is also known as a mini-face lift, cheek lift, or limited incision face-lift. This unique operation is a quick way to rejuvenate a face that is beginning to show early signs of aging. Some of these signs might include cheeks that are starting to drop causing deepening of the nasolabial folds, early jowls, and extra fat beneath the chin, which can also treated with the addition of liposuction. A short scar face lift is less extensive than a standard face lift, and generally does not fully address the neck area. It is primarily designed to lift the cheeks, and soften the fat and skin around the jawline.

Mini Face Lift

A mini face lift or “cheek lift” is designed for patients who show early signs of facial aging which generally include slipping of the cheeks due to a small amount of excess skin, early jowling which results from skin and facial fat descending along the jawline, and prominence of the nasolabial fold. A mini face-lift is most appropriate for patients with adequate skin tone and elasticity. It is generally performed in patients in their late 30’s or 40’s, who show wrinkles and fine lines with early formation of deep folds. Very often it is a simple procedure that can be performed with mild sedation and local anesthesia.

Stem Cell Face Lift

A stem cell facelift is a term that has been given to the ability of making the face look younger by injecting fat in the face. It gives both youthful and voluptuous volume and can improve skin quality. In younger patients with not too much loose skin, it can be done without a classical facelift involving incisions. In older patients it is best combined with a surgical facelift that removes extra loose skin and repositions facial tissues. The fat transfer is used to fill the deflated volume and the combined surgical facelift and fat transfer takes “facial rejuvenation” to the next level. The combined results are truly unbelievable.

For more information and to find out whether a face-lift is right for you, contact Shapiro Plastic Surgery.

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