Skin Deep: Light-based Treatments Can Erase Sun’s Damage

As we say goodbye to the summer, most of us are ready to get back into a routine, including a regular skin-care regimen. And, as we begin to take a closer look in the mirror, we often realize that those days at the beach, near the pool, golfing or spending time outdoors have produced definite signs of sun damage — often in the form of brown spots, red spots or uneven pigmentation. While we strive to maintain a youthful face, we sometimes forget that our hands can show sun damage, too. We need to take a look and assess summer’s effects here, as well. The good news is the same treatments we use to “turn back the clock” on our faces can also lend a healthier look to our hands.

IPL, or intense pulse light, is not a laser but rather a light-based therapy that uses a spectrum of light to treat a variety of skin conditions, including sun damage, acne, and rosacea. It also can stimulate collagen and elastin (essential structures in the skin) and reduce pore size to improve skin texture and tone. Frequently called photorejuvenation or photofacial, IPL is a noninvasive treatment that’s ideal for the face, neck, chest, upper body and even the hands.

IPL, a pulsed light system, is similar to lasers but uses a wider beam for broader coverage and faster, more comfortable treatments. The light beams penetrate to the second layer of skin and break up the melanin (brown pigment) or coagulate the blood vessels to remove them.

IPL treatments can be used at any age and on men or women. A series of two to three treatments spaced about two to three weeks apart is recommended for best results, especially right after summer when your skin damage is likely to be at its maximum. IPL can also be combined with other cosmetic medical skin procedures, such as medical grade peels or Fraxel laser treatments. It’s always advisable to avoid excess sun exposure after treatments and to use sunscreen as directed.

Healthy skin can be yours with the right tools and expert advice. To learn more about IPL and how it can benefit you, contact Shapiro Aesthetic Plastic Surgery and Skin Klinic.

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