Do You Need a Neck Lift?

A woman’s neck should be long, smooth, and beautiful, making her feel graceful whenever she turns her head. A man’s neck acts as the rugged, supporting tower for his masculine jawline and facial structure. His neck should inspire his own strength and confidence. The neck and jawline are one of the key areas that show signs of one’s age andas men and women both age, the skin in the neck and jaw area loses its strength and begins to sag. Often an accumulation of fat beneath the skin or muscles in the neck also occurs and dramatizes the effect. These side effects of aging cause the chin and jawline to lose its straight, youthful angle and it can even cause a person to look overweight or older than they truly are.

Neck lifts can take years off your appearanceA platysmaplasty, the technical term for a cosmetic neck lift, can restore the neck, chin, and jawline to a lifted and youthful appearance. A neck lift procedure will produce a proportioned chin as a sharp and flat surface that joins the neck to the chin. It will also create a crisp jawline for a woman’s rejuvenated beauty and grace and a man’s rugged masculinity.

The procedure for a neck lift involves the removal of excess fat and skin from beneath the chin and neck. During the surgery, the muscles of the neck are also tightened and manipulated into a strong foundation for a crisp, angular jawline. For patients with good skin elasticity, the neck lift surgery can be performed through small incisions beneath the chin. For older patients who have poor skin elasticity or a very relaxed neck, inconspicuous incisions will be placed behind the ears so that excess skin can be removed. In this case, when a significant amount of skin must be taken away, a drain may be placed inside the surgical site overnight. This ensures that fluids do not build up underneath the skin and cause complications or infections.

The neck lift surgery is generally a painless procedure with bruising and swelling after the surgery usually at a minimum. Patients are most commonly back to normal socializing after a week or so from their surgery. The results of the neck lift procedure are very impressive and always retain a natural look. The neck is restored to its youthful, tight appearance and the jawline is given a crisp edge to complement it.

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