More Moms Are Opting For Mommy Makeovers

Being a mother is said to be the most rewarding job in the world, but oftentimes it comes with some not-so-great side effects-particularly in the way we look post-pregnancy. Having children can leave the body feeling saggy or left with unwanted fat, making new moms feel less than confident about the way they look. For this reason, of the $10 billion dollars a year Americans spend on cosmetic surgery, it is reported that moms are currently the biggest buyers.

The biggest trend taking off in plastic surgery is called the “Mommy Makeover,” with hundreds of thousands of these procedures being performed every year on women ages 20-39. The Mommy Makeover typically consists of a breast lift, a tummy tuck, and liposuction. Whatever extra fat or sagginess your baby bump left behind, a surgeon can work wonders on to leave you looking and feeling confident.

This procedure is a great option for women who want to get back to the body they had before giving birth. Even better, the three-post pregnancy procedures are combined into an all-in-one operation, so moms can get back to their kids even sooner. Generally, what to expect from the procedure is that it will start with a breast lift. This will draw the breasts up to a more youthful position and restore aesthetic cleavage. During the breast lift, there is also the option for volume and shape enhancement, with either gel or silicone implants. Next would be the tummy tuck, which realigns the abdominal muscles and removes extra fat, skin, and stretch marks from the abdomen. Finally, the procedure will conclude with VASER liposuction. This will remove any extra unwanted fat, and activate the body’s natural skin tightening responses.

These combined procedures are highly effective for restoring a post-pregnancy body, as well as giving new moms that extra boost of confidence they need. To find out more about your Mommy Makeover, contact Shapiro Aesthetic Plastic Surgery.

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