Looking For An Anti-Aging Treatment? These Ingredients Should Be On The Label

We all want to have firmer and more vibrant skin, especially if we are starting to age (gracefully, of course). One thing to take into consideration when beginning the search for the perfect anti-aging regimen is to look at the ingredients that are contained on the skin care products you are considering. They can make or break the effectiveness of the product as an anti-aging agent. Here are the top anti-aging ingredients that your products should contain in order to give you the younger, refreshed skin you want:

1. Peptides
Peptides are short chains of amino acids that can be synthesized in an infinite order of different combinations. Fatty ends are added to enhance their penetration into the skin. These peptides “signal” or “communicate” with skin cells and can exert a positive anti-aging influence. Here are just some of the amazing things peptides can do: Stimulate collagen production by dermal fibroblasts, stimulate growth factors, stimulate antioxidant enzymes, and enhance wound healing and cell repair. Overall, peptides will cause a more rapid turnover of skin cells, creating healthier looking skin.

2. Retinol
Retinol is a critical ingredient for promoting skin renewal. Retinol is a vitamin A derivative that acts on DNA to promote healthy keratinocytes. Using this ingredient can increase production of collagen and elastin and decrease UV induced collagenase. Retinol is great for photo-damaged skin for treatment of fine lines, wrinkles, and hyperpigmentation.

3. Antioxidants:
Vitamin C and Vitamin E are both important antioxidants that should be part of your skin treatment. Vitamin C is the most plentiful antioxidant in our skin to neutralize free radicals. It exerts photo protective effects and works with Vitamin E on cells. Topical Vitamin C improves fine wrinkling, improves smoothness, tone, laxity, and can lighten hyperpigmentation. These vitamins can also help protect the skin barrier and upper dermis from damage from UV exposure.

4. Sunscreen:
Sunscreen is most likely the most important anti-aging product to have. Although modest amounts of UV exposure is healthy and promotes Vitamin D production, too much is detrimental. UV light creates free radicals and depletes our skin of antioxidants.

The skins fibroblasts become chronically injured and decrease the production of collagen and elastin. UV light also stimulates an increase in the production of collagen, which breaks down our tissue matrix. This results in skin that is less dense, robust, and elastic, and with more wrinkles and pigmentation. It is critical to find a sunscreen that is protective of UVA and UVB. UVB rays cause short term sunburn and skin cancer. UVA rays are responsible for wrinkling as well as a playing a role in skin cancer too.

5. Ceramides
Ceramides are cellular fats that are found in between skin cells, which seal them together. They are critical components of our skin barrier to not only keep pathogens out, but also to keep moisture in. This hydration is necessary to allow cellular turnover and keep our skin healthy and looking vibrant. As we age and are exposed to the environment, the ceramides levels are reduced which leads to loss of hydration, poorer skin turnover, and dryer more damaged skin. Moisturizers should contain these vital barrier enhancers to maintain healthy skin.

Now that you know the most crucial ingredients you need to turn back the clock, you should be well equipped to find an anti-aging treatment that will give you real results. For more information on finding the perfect anti-aging system and how to look refreshed and young, contact Paradise Valley Skin Klinic today.

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