Liposuction Named the Most Popular Plastic Surgery Procedure in the World

Liposuction, or lipoplasty, has been identified as the most performed cosmetic procedure in the world, representing 19.9% of total surgical procedures according to the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, the largest international society of individual plastic surgeons. Out of all the plastic surgery options available, why liposuction? What is the procedure, how does it work, and what should you expect?

There are numerous different types of liposuction available today. Ultrasound-assisted liposuction is one of the most popular types called Vaser Hi-Def Liposuction. This procedure involves using ultrasound technology to break away the fat. Dr. Shapiro specializes in this procedure. Laser-assisted liposuction is another frequently-performed procedure. It involves using a laser to melt away the fat. The type that Dr. Shapiro uses will depend on your needs and body type. The best candidates for liposuction are people who have areas of fat in their body that do not go away with diet and exercise. It is important to note that liposuction only removes fat. For that reason, a person who is interested in getting this procedure should also have good skin tone. A one on one consultation with Dr. Shapiro will determine what your best options are.

It is important to know that undergoing abdominal liposuction is not “giving in,”; and it doesn’t mean “giving up”; on a healthy diet and regular exercise. Whether you are a man or woman who has suffered through thousands of crunches in hope of a defined six-pack or a flat tummy, abdominal liposculpture is not cheating your way out of being physically fit. In fact, many types of fat deposits are stubborn and inherently resistant to diet and exercise. So, no matter how many hours you spend in the gym, you just won’t see the results you expect… without some help.

If you eat right and exercise after surgery, then you will be able to maintain the results of liposuction. Liposuction removes fat cells from the treated areas. Once the fat cells are gone, they cannot return. However, it is important to note that the body will store fat if you take in more calories than you burn. Additionally, the remaining fat cells will get larger. You will have to burn off the same amount of calories that you take in if you want to maintain the results of this procedure. Again, extra calories will get stored as fat with or without liposuction.

Contact Shapiro Aesthetic Plastic Surgery to learn more.

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