Going Green Should Include Your Skincare Routine, Too

It turns out beauty is more than skin deep: The average person slathers, lathers, rubs and sprays, 10 different skin care products on his or her body every day – and since our skin acts more like a sponge than a barrier, we absorb the nearly 130 chemicals we regularly expose ourselves to. Cosmetics companies and the FDA maintain that these chemicals are safe, and many of them are – in small doses at least. But consider that the average woman ingest as much as four pounds of lipstick in her lifetime, and you begin to understand how a little dab here a quick spray there begins to add up.

The fact is, no one really knows how certain chemicals affect us over a time, or how they react in our bodies in combination. Other chemicals have known dangers: Phthalates, for example, which are often found in artificial fragrances, are a class of hormone disruptor known to cause birth defects, sperm damage, and infertility.

Almost 90 percent of the 10,500 cosmetics and skin care ingredients known to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration have not been evaluated for safety by the Cosmetic Ingredient Review, the FDA, or any other publicly accountable institution, according to the Environmental Working Group. To be fair, no one’s dropping dead after using a mascara wand or a body wash, but complex chemicals with potential unknown side effects lead us to follow the precautionary principle. Basically, we’d prefer to err on the side of safety until we know for certain. We’re not the only ones who feel this way: More than 1,110 personal-product ingredients have been banned for use in cosmetics in the European Union because of concerns that they may cause cancer, birth defects, or reproductive ills. By contrast, only 10 are banned here in the U.S.

These facts illustrate why it is so important to buy only the safest, nontoxic products for your skin. Seek out products with few ingredients, that avoid chemicals, and try to buy organic whenever possible. At Paradise Valley Skin Klinic, we offer a variety of skin care products that are gentle and natural. One in particular is Pevonia Botanic, which offers cruelty-free formations (no animal testing) and eco-packaging. Contact Skin Klinic today to see how you can green-ify your skin-care routine.

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