Get Fit Fast with VASER High-Def Lipo

VASER High Definition Liposuction – most commonly referred to as VASER Hi-Def is an ingenious new liposuction procedure that allows plastic surgeons to literally sculpt the human form into a contoured and athletic work of art. The Hi-Def technique is a revolution to the plastic surgery industry because of its combined advancements in technology, science, and art. The unbelievable results achieved with VHD have never before been seen after such a minimally invasive procedure.

VASER Hi-Def is a remarkable technique that has been taught to less than eighty plastic surgeons worldwide. Dr. Shapiro is the first-and only-surgeon in the state of Arizona who has been trained to perform this exclusive technique. Despite its rarity, the Hi-Def technique was reported by the Aesthetic Surgery Journal in 2007 and has been rising in popularity ever since. Today, thousands of procedures have been performed safely and with unbelievable results worldwide, even despite the very few surgeons who can perform it.

Read below for more information on VASER, what to expect, and whether it is right for you:

VASER Technology

VASER is the name of the machine that surgeons use to perform Hi-Def Liposuction.
VASER is an acronym that stands for Vibration Amplification of Sound Energy at Resonance. In short, VASER Hi-Def is an ultrasound assisted lipoplasty procedure (UAL). This means the surgeon uses tools (called probes) that direct ultrasonic waves of energy through fatty tissues to emulsify them before being suctioned away.
VASER was developed by Sound Surgical Technologies in Louisville, Colorado.

What makes VASER Hi-Def better than traditional lipo?

VASER Hi-Def can be performed on an out-patient basis using local anesthetics, so there is no risk of complications with general anesthesia. In larger cases, however, general anesthesia is recommended.

In past ultrasound lipoplasties, there was a high risk of burns and other skin complications. The development of the VASER tools are so advanced from their predecessors that there is no longer any risk of burns or bruising. There is no risk of tools overheating during surgery and causing complications.

Recovery time after traditional liposuction is lengthy because of how inaccurate the procedure is. With traditional lipo, blood vessels, nerves, and important connective tissues are often destroyed while removing fat tissues. This is what causes pain, bruising, wrinkling in the skin, and a long recovery time.

VASER is different. Because the ultrasonic probes are specifically designed for liposculpture, they only emulsify fat tissues. The blood vessels and nerves are relatively undisturbed. Only that emulsified fat is suctioned away. Patients are usually back to normal in a week… in some cases, just a few days. By sculpting out certain fats and leaving other fats, the underlying muscle is enhanced and its borders accentuated. Plus, because VASER requires only small incisions in inconspicuous areas, there is very little scarring post-operation.

Who is a candidate for VASER Hi-Def?

Traditional liposuction is useful mostly for reducing the volume-or “de-bulking”-of patients that are quite overweight. Patients who undergo traditional liposuction will indeed be smaller, yet they will not see muscular definition.

VASER Hi-Def is meant for those who are in decent shape to those who are moderately overweight. It is especially for those who have difficulty seeing real muscular definition, despite a rigorous exercise and diet program. It is not meant for very overweight or obese people.

For more information about VASER Hi-Def and to find out if it is right for you, contact Shapiro Aesthetic Plastic Surgery.

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