Fight Acne and Other Skin Problems with Homemade Treatments

There’s nothing worse than waking up the morning of an important meeting or event and seeing a blemish that appeared out of the blue. With no time to run to the dermatologist or nearest esthetician, you might panic about what to do and break out the heavy-duty concealer. Luckily, there are some great skin care treatments that you can make with ingredients you most likely already have at your home when you’re in a pinch. Even better, each treatment below is pure and natural, so you don’t need to worry about allergens or carcinogens found in commercial skin care products. Plus, making your own skin care products at home can also help save a significant amount of money in between your regular skin treatments and professional facials.


The Indian spice makes a great skin care treatment because it has antibacterial properties, can help eliminate age spots and is moisturizing. You can make a paste from the spice at home easily. Just add enough water to the spice to make a thick paste. Apply the orange mask to your face, under the eyes or anywhere on the body. You can even bathe in turmeric to help fight skin infections and for an overall moisturizing effect that can help especially during winter months. Using turmeric on the face could also help reduce acne.

A 2011 study, published in the journal Pharmaceutical Biology showed gels applied to the face containing curcumin, the compound found in turmeric that provides health benefits, was almost as effective as the antibiotic gel Clindamycin as an acne treatment. In the study, a combination formula of Rawvolfia serpentina, Curcuma longa, and Azadiracta indica was used.


Another at-home remedy for itchy, flaking skin that occurs especially from allergies is applying honey to the face. Aine McAteer, an internationally renowned chef and best-selling author, discusses the benefits of raw honey for targeting acne in her article Natural Beauty, Inside and Out at McAteer, who specializes in healing foods and macrobiotics, recommends mixing 2 tablespoons of aloe vera gel with one teaspoon of honey. The mixture is good for sensitive skin and makes an excellent moisturizing facial mask.


If your skin is oily, make a facial treatment from bananas, yogurt and lemon juice. Just mash the banana until it’s creamy, then add one teaspoon of lemon juice and mix it up. To make the mask thicker, add oatmeal. Yogurt is another excellent remedy for oily skin. McAteer explains yogurt helps draw bacteria and oils from the pores. If you want a hydrating mask for mature skin, just add honey.


Don’t forget the healing benefit of tea bags for the eyes. Brew some soothing loose leaf Chamomile tea. Soak cotton balls in the tea and apply to puffy tired eyes. Keeping the skin free from bacteria and oils is a great way to fight acne outbreaks.

Although home remedies are great when you’re in a pinch, consulting with a skin care specialist is key to keep your complexion radiant. Contact Shapiro Skin Klinic for more information on how to keep your skin in tip-top shape.

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