Are You A Candidate For Breast Augmentation Surgery?

A breast augmentation is the perfect solution for women who are disappointed with the size, shape, or symmetry of their breasts. Inserting an implant into the breasts results in a beautiful, shapely breast with restored youth and flawless symmetry. Most women are candidates for a breast augmentation surgery; however, some may need a breast lift as well, rather than implants alone to produce the best result.

Determining whether you will need a breast lift is simple by looking at your profile in a mirror. Look at the position of your nipple versus the crease beneath the breast, known as the inframammary crease. If the nipple is above the crease, breast implants alone will produce fabulous results by increasing the size, shape, and symmetry of the breasts. If the nipple is level with the crease, called psuedoptosis, it is most likely that you will get a beautiful result with only implants; however, occasionally some type of breast lift may be necessary for optimal results. If the nipple is below the crease, a breast lift is generally necessary with the breast augmentation to produce the most beautiful breasts possible.

Certainly the next important decision to make is how large you want your implants to be. It is important that you communicate what you are trying to achieve with your breast augmentation, and often photographs from magazines are a good way to start. The exact size of a breast implant will look different on different people, so do not be frightened by what appears to be a large implant. The way an implant looks varies with different factors such as your chest size, ribcage size, the width of your sternum, and your current weight. It also very much depends on your current breast shape, volume, base dimension, and tissue quality.

To get a general sense of the volume of what could soon be your breast size, you will try on a bra with the temporary implant inside. You should expect to add 10-20% of the volume of the implant you liked, especially if you are going to have the implant placed under your pectoral muscle, rather than on top of it.

To ensure your peace of mind, try a range of implants on during consultations and place a range of volumes to visualize the best result possible. This is why it is important that he have a very good idea of what your personal expectations and desires are for the surgery.

For more information on breast augmentation and whether it is right for you, contact Shapiro Plastic Surgery.


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