Get Lean, Toned Arms Just In Time For Summer

With Spring Break here and summer just around the corner, it’s time to trade in sweaters and long sleeves for sundresses and tank tops. However, this might be hard to do if your arms aren’t as lean and toned as you like. It might be difficult to rock that strapless dress with confidence this summer if you feel like your arms don’t look their best. But not to worry – brachioplasty, or an arm lift procedure, might be perfect for you.

Many women suffer from those frustrating developments of fat on their arms that form despite rigorous exercise and a healthy diet. This fat is an especially stubborn type of fat that is resistant to exercise and is practically impossible to lose without some help.

A brachioplasty—also known as an arm lift—is a surgical procedure designed to reduce extra fat and skin in the arms, making them appear more youthful and toned. There are two brachioplasty procedures that can be performed, depending on the individual case and how much fat and skin must be removed:

Full Brachioplasty

If a patient has little skin elasticity or obvious sagging skin, a standard brachioplasty will yield the best results. Liposuction alone is not an effective procedure for patients with little skin elasticity, as all that will happen is the fat, or the filler, of the arms will be removed and dangling, empty skin will be left over. That skin must be removed as well as the fat for a beautiful result. A full brachioplasty procedure reshapes the upper arm by removing extra fat and skin. Though the brachioplasty leaves a long scar, usually from the underarm to the elbow on the inside of the arm, many patients feel that the scar is better than having arms that swing when they move.


For patients with moderate skin elasticity but excess fat, a limited incision brachioplasty (mini-brachioplasty) can be performed. In this case, the patient’s skin still retracts well and liposuction will provide minimally invasive fat removal while facilitating skin retraction for toned upper arms. A mini arm lift then removes extra skin in the upper arm, but restricts the scar from skin removed to the underarm area so that the patient will not be self-conscious in short sleeved clothing.

For more information on brachioplasty and to find out whether this procedure is right for you, contact Shapiro Plastic Surgery.

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