
From Refund to Rhinoplasty

From Refund to RhinoplastyApril 18th is here! Unfortunately for many, this date has nothing to do with spring break, the Easter Bunny, or Passover. Yep, it's the deadline for filing tax returns! For some it means writing that dreaded check to the government, but for others...

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Footloose and Cankle-Free with Vaser Hi-Def!

Footloose and Cankle-Free with Vaser Hi-Def!What do Alicia Keys, Hillary Clinton, Jennifer Love Hewitt, Mischa Barton, and Mylie Cyrus all have in common? They've all been reported to have chubby lower legs. This infliction is now commonly referred to as “cankles.&rdq...

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Nip and Tuck for Average Joe

Nip and Tuck for Average JoeWhile there have always been image-conscious, male celebrities and politicians. What about the average Joe? A new study from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons shows that it is now becoming more popular for the everyday man to use cosmetic surger...

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Dr. Shapiro Recognized as a “Top Doc” for 2011 by Phoenix Magazine

Dr. Shapiro Recognized as a “Top Doc” for 2011 by Phoenix MagazineWe're thrilled that Dr. Shapiro has been named a “Top Doctor” for the second year in a row by Phoenix Magazine.“I am extremely honored and humbled to receive this recognition,&rd...

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PermaLip – The Newest Solution for Full Lips

PermaLip - The Newest Solution for Full LipsNot everyone is born with full luscious lips. Unfortunately, we can't all be as lucky or as young as Angelina Jolie or Megan Fox. Thankfully, there are many options including the brand new PermaLip available to assist you in...

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Hey Men! Three Ways to Instantly Look Better this Spring!

Hey Men! Three Ways to Instantly Look Better this Spring!With warm weather finally here, it's time once again for shorts, tank tops, and bathing suits. Have you looked in the mirror recently and thought that a little upkeep is what you need to get back in the game this Spri...

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Are you part of the “Breast Belt”?

Are you part of the “Breast Belt”?Dr. Shapiro considers Arizona to be part of the “Breast belt”, where breast augmentations are much more common than in other parts of the country. You can pretty much follow the sun belt for this trend. Once you've m...

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Shorten Your Recovery Time with These Five Healing Strategies

Shorten Your Recovery Time with These Five Healing StrategiesIf you've ever watched Dr. 90210 or Bridalplasty, you’ve seen what a cosmetic surgery patient looks like post-op. But, what these shows don’t delve into is the actual recovery process. Dr. Shapiro cons...

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Scottsdale Attracting Plastic Surgery Patients from around the Globe

Scottsdale Attracting Plastic Surgery Patients from around the GlobeDr. Shapiro considers Arizona to be part of the “Breast belt”, where breast augmentations are much more common than in other parts of the country. Now, many people are also adding plastic surgery to t...

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The Quickest Way to 6-Pack Abs

The Quickest Way to 6-Pack AbsAre you ready to look fabulous in your board shorts this year? Want those washboard abs sported by this month's Men’s Fitness cover model? Have this year’s hottest trendy fitted t-shirt just hanging in your closet? It is that time o...

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