
Mr. Thomas Higgins

Mr. Thomas HigginsShapiro Plastic Surgery and Skin Klinic received a very special thank you from one of our patients that we would like to share with you. Mr. Thomas Higgins took out a full page ad in the June 2013 issue of PHOENIX magazine to express his appreciation for Dr. Sha...

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Breast Augmentation Series: Implant Size

Breast Augmentation Series: Implant SizeAfter deciding what type of implant is best for you, the next decision to make is the size of the implants you desire. Dr. Shapiro will provide you with a lot of help at this point of the decision-making process. It is important that you co...

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Breast Augmentation Series: Saline vs. Silicone

Breast Augmentation Series: Saline vs. SiliconeOne of the most important decisions to make before your breast augmentation surgery is what type of implant you want. There are basically two options available: saline or silicone implants, each with different benefitsA saline breast...

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Breast Augmentation Series: Am I a Candidate for Breast Augmentation Surgery?

Breast Augmentation Series: Am I a Candidate for Breast Augmentation Surgery?A breast augmentation surgery is the perfect solution for women who are disappointed with the size, shape, or symmetry of their breasts. Inserting an implant into the breasts results in beautiful, shapel...

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Vaser Liposculpture

Vaser Liposculpture“Liposuction” typically refers to the de-bulking of large areas of fat. Liposculpture, liposuction's more artistic cousin, refers to a sculpturesque definition of muscles using fat to enhance them. The procedure is designed to sculpt out a...

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Micro Laser Peel

Micro Laser PeelThe Micro Laser Peel, or “weekend” skin peel, addresses conditions associated with sun damage and aging. As compared to microdermabrasion or light chemical peels, a Micro Laser peel is a deeper treatment that precisely removes the outermost layers o...

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Breast Lift

Breast LiftA mastopexy, often called a breast lift, is a popular cosmetic surgery for women who want to restore the natural youthfulness of their breasts. With pregnancy, breastfeeding, weight loss, and the simple effects of gravity, breast skin can lose its elasticity and youthf...

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Neck Lift Without Surgery

Neck Lift Without SurgeryWith age and gravity, visual signs of an aging face and neckline become more apparent. Signs such as loose skin, descending fat, and deep wrinkles may all cause self-confidence issues and reduce self-esteem. Surgical neck lifts are most commonly used to t...

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Thigh Liposuction

Thigh LiposuctionMost fat deposits in the legs are composed of superficial fat, which—until recently—was off limits to liposuction due to its delicate nature and close proximity to equally delicate skin. Unfortunately, the presence of superficial fat also means the le...

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Light Chemical Peels

Light Chemical PeelsLight chemical peels offer an excellent solution to fine lines across the face. Alpha and beta hydroxyacid chemical peels are common types of light chemical peels, both treating a different type of skin.Salicylic acid is the preferred beta hydroxyacid, being i...

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