10 Things to Consider Before Having Plastic Surgery

Making the decision to have plastic surgery requires careful planning and consideration. Having plastic surgery is not something to be taken lightly, and its important that patients are as informed and prepared as possible prior to having a procedure done. Before making the big decision to have surgery, refer to this guide recommending a realistic, intelligent approach to elective cosmetic surgery.
Here are 10 things to consider before having plastic surgery:
1. Don’t Do It for All the Wrong Reasons
Cosmetic surgery is elective surgery, meaning it is unnecessary! Do not approach it in a flippant manner. Your mind set should be improving a certain part of you that bothers you and nobody else! I can’t tell you how many patients seek cosmetic surgery for all the wrong reasons. Comments from prospective patients like, “I want a boob job because my boyfriend likes big breasts and he’s paying for it” Or,”I need a facelift because my husband is having an affair with a younger woman” are too common. That type of patient will never be happy with their surgery. Cosmetic surgery should be done to please nobody but you!
2. Don’t Do It Until You Are Ready
Surgery, even cosmetic surgery, can be tough on your body. For that reason you should be in good health and minor disorders like high blood pressure, should be under control prior to any operation. Most plastic surgeons require patients over 50 to be medically cleared by their personal physicians prior to surgery. Also, strive to be as physically fit as possible before surgery. I urge patients to try diet and exercise before going under the knife, as that may be all they need! If you smoke, quit.
3. Don’t Do the New Sexy Procedure That Sounds Too Good To Be True, Because It Probably Is
Many doctors tout a hot new sexy procedure that promises the world in an effort to stand out in an increasingly competitive environment. Be careful and do your homework. Research the procedure and seek advice from a board certified plastic surgeon with the procedure. Ask about complications and long term results. If the procedure is very new and sounds drastic, doesn’t it make sense to wait and let these doctors try the new procedure on someone else, and let them be the guinea pigs?
4. Don’t Ask To Look Like Somebody Else
If I had a dollar for every time a patient asked me for Angelina Jolie’s lips…well, I’d be writing this blog on my yacht off the coast of Italy or something like that.  The point is that each individual has specific physical characteristics and traits that define them, and that’s a good thing! A competent plastic surgeon will try to refine or enhance certain body parts to improve one’s overall look. Sometimes just the removal of a bump on a nose can make a world of difference, and yet allow the patient to keep their own nose and still look like themselves!
5. Don’t Do Too Much
A common mistake is to do too much all at once. Good plastic surgery improves or enhances body parts in an artistic and natural fashion. A sensible breast augmentation or facelift can provide an impressive and satisfying result. Facial fillers and Botox offer an excellent option for facial wrinkles. However, people with enormous breast implants or facial skin pulled way too tight or pumped with too much fillers and Botox look ridiculous and become the brunt of bad jokes. Natural is best, and you can always do more…you usually can’t do less once its done.
6. Do Your Research
I can’t stress enough the importance of selecting a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon with appropriate training and experience in the area that you desire. Bad economic times and changes in the medical landscape like decreasing payments to doctors from insurance companies have sprung a cottage industry called “cosmetic medicine.” Doctors from other specialties are taking weekend crash courses to learn cosmetic surgery to bolster their income. It is my biased opinion that other specialists like gynecologists, should not perform liposuction or podiatrists not administer Botox, just like plastic surgeons should not deliver babies or remove bunions! Please, please, please do your research, check reviews, and ask around for recommendations.
7. Do It at A Safe Place
Be certain that your surgeon operates in a facility that is licensed by the state. Cosmetic surgery does not need to be done in the hospital, but it should be done at an office or surgi-center approved and inspected on a regular basis. Your anesthesiologist should be board-certified also. Ask who will be performing the anesthesia, what their certifications are, and if there will be nursing staff supervising in the room, and what your surgeon’s emergency protocol is. You are entitled to this information, and should ask for it. Don’t be shy about inquiring about these important safety factors.
8. Do It Right
Follow your surgeon’s orders before and after surgery! Mind advice regarding smoking, alcohol consumption, prescription medications, blood thinners and diet. Pay attention to postoperative orders regarding exercise, exertion and even driving or operating heavy equipment. Your preoperative and postoperative behavior has significant and lasting effects on your final cosmetic result, so pay attention and behave. Trust me, your surgeon will know exactly why you’re not healing the way you’re supposed to, so follow instructions to expedite proper recovery and best post-surgical results.
9. Do Have Realistic Expectations
Approach your cosmetic surgery with realistic and hopefully attainable expectations.  The surgery will not transform your life in a monumental way, but rather improve a body part that bothers you. If you are planning plastic surgery with desires like finding a spouse, saving your marriage or conquering the world, don’t do it, because it won’t work, and you will be unhappy. If there are doubts about your motives, seek advice from a mental health provider.
10. Communication is Key
90% of revision procedures occur due to a lack of communication between the patient and the physician. Make sure to explain in detail what it is you are hoping to achieve with surgery, and bring photos and examples of faces and/or bodies you like so that your surgeon is clear about what your ideal look is. Be specific and you’ll likely be much happier with the post-operative result.